
001Jetcham acid copper products can be widely applied to different devices. In different types of anode, such as copper anode or insoluble anode, at different current types, such as DC or pulse reverse current, depending on the equipment condition, we can provide excellent performance of acid copper plating of products to meet customer requirements.
Widely product range
High speed acid copper plating for Vertical continuous plating process
◆ Acid Copper VCP
◆ Acid Copper SK-220
◆ Acid Copper Cu-RP
◆ Acid Copper INCU-RP
◆ Acid Copper BH-9
High performance standard for Vertical copper plating process
◆ Acid Copper PCUT
◆ Acid Copper SK-101
◆ Acid Copper CU-RP series
Advance acid copper plating for Horizontal plating process
◆ Acid Copper INCU-DCS
◆ Acid Copper INCU-DCM
◆ Acid Copper INCU-RP
◆ Acid Copper INCU-RPS

大足县| 乐都县| 五家渠市| 贵德县| 缙云县| 四平市| 黑山县| 洪江市| 察雅县| 余姚市| 吴旗县| 大洼县| 六安市| 海南省| 屯门区| 齐河县| 西昌市| 隆德县| 浑源县| 宜章县| 云安县| 织金县| 乳源| 安泽县| 枣庄市| 新干县| 德清县| 蒙城县| 青浦区| 舒兰市| 兰西县| 辽中县| 香河县| 连南| 镇原县| 治多县| 曲麻莱县| 镇巴县| 连平县| 莆田市| 嘉义县|